Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy

Can It Help You?

In order to heal the body, the gut must be healed first.“
Dr. Josh Axe

What is the colon?

The colon is also known as the large bow­el or large intes­tine. It is an organ that is part of the diges­tive sys­tem (also called the diges­tive tract) in the human body. It is rough­ly 5 feet long and 3 inch­es in diam­e­ter. The colon con­sists of four parts: ascend­ing colon, trans­verse colon, descend­ing colon and sig­moid colon.

What does the colon do?

Your colon, along with your lungs, liv­er, lym­phat­ic sys­tem, skin, and kid­neys, is designed to accom­plish the essen­tial task of elim­i­nat­ing tox­ins. The colon is the liv­ing area for a host of bac­te­ria. The colon also absorbs water, nutri­ents, pro­teins and cell salts back into the blood stream. A well-func­tion­ing colon is impor­tant for hor­mon­al bal­ance, appetite con­trol, sleep and men­tal processing.

Why is a healthy colon important?

A vari­ety of health prob­lems stem from poor diges­tive health. For exam­ple, stom­ach pains, abdom­i­nal cramps, chron­ic fatigue, con­sti­pa­tion, low ener­gy, headaches and aller­gic reac­tions can be traced back to prob­lems with elim­i­na­tion. When the colon has an accu­mu­la­tion of waste, it can affect all oth­er sys­tems of the body. Var­i­ous ben­e­fi­cial bac­te­r­i­al organ­isms liv­ing with­in the colon and diges­tive tract are impor­tant for prop­er nutri­ent absorp­tion, main­tain­ing pH bal­ance, con­trol­ling hunger and coun­ter­act­ing poten­tial­ly dan­ger­ous bac­te­ria. This is why a well-func­tion­ing colon is so impor­tant for over­all well-being. Stud­ies also show that bow­el move­ments are impor­tant for remov­ing bac­te­ria, heavy met­als and elim­i­nat­ing excess fat­ty acids from the body.



Colon Hydrotherapy

Q: What is colon hydrother­a­py?
A: Colon hydrother­a­py is a method of using puri­fied water instilled into the colon to allow for evac­u­a­tion of the con­tents of the colon. The pres­sure of the water and the tem­per­a­ture of the water are all safe­ly reg­u­lat­ed through­out the colon hydrother­a­py ses­sion. This tech­nique allows the water to flow gen­tly into the colon and stim­u­late the colon’s nat­ur­al peri­staltic action.

Q: Where did colon hydrother­a­py orig­i­nate?
A: The use of water to cleanse the colon, called “colon lavage,” has been prac­ticed since as ear­ly as 1500 B.C. in ancient Egypt.

Q: Is colon hydrother­a­py painful?
A: An impact­ed colon can cause dis­com­fort and cramp­ing may occur as the colon con­tracts to expel waste. Once the impaction is removed, many find colon hydrother­a­py to be a pleas­ant experience.

Q: How much time is required for a colon hydrother­a­py ses­sion?
A: The first ses­sion will take longer than the fol­low up ses­sions. The first appoint­ment usu­al­ly takes around 90 min­utes. Time on the colon hydrother­a­py unit is around 35–45 minutes.

Q: What should I do before a ses­sion?
A: It is rec­om­mend­ed to refrain from eat­ing at least two hours before your sched­uled appoint­ment. It is a great idea to stay hydrat­ed by drink­ing puri­fied water.

Q: What ben­e­fits might I notice after a colon hydrother­a­py ses­sion?
A: Clients have report­ed decreased aller­gies, asth­ma symp­toms, and joint pain. A colon cleanse can also impact the ner­vous sys­tem pos­i­tive­ly, which is why it might help symp­toms like anx­i­ety and fatigue. Oth­ers have noticed increased ener­gy and feel­ings of well-being.

Q: After a ses­sion, how might I feel?
A: Many peo­ple com­ment on how clean and light they feel, like they just look a bath on the inside.

Q: How many colon hydrother­a­py ses­sions do I need?
A: The num­ber of ses­sions desired will depend on the indi­vid­ual and/or physician’s require­ments. Back to back ses­sions are always rec­om­mend­ed. This means one colon hydrother­a­py ses­sion fol­lowed by a sec­ond ses­sion the next day.

Q: What type of diet should I fol­low after a colon hydrother­a­py ses­sion?
A: It is rec­om­mend­ed that you drink plen­ty of liq­uids (puri­fied water, herbal teas, and juice), eat plen­ty of veg­eta­bles and some fruit. Be sure to chew thor­ough­ly. Reduce con­sump­tion of beef and pork.

These state­ments have not been eval­u­at­ed by the Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion. They are not meant to diag­no­sis, cure, treat or pre­vent any med­ical issue. Con­sult your health­care provider.

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