Functional Medicine


Take Back Your Health Today. Naturally. 

The Func­tion­al Med­i­cine mod­el is an indi­vid­u­al­ized, sci­ence-based approach that relies on a detailed under­stand­ing of each patient’s envi­ron­men­tal, bio­chem­i­cal, and lifestyle fac­tors, to cre­ate per­son­al­ized treat­ment plans. By address­ing root cause, rather than symp­toms, prac­ti­tion­ers may find one con­di­tion with many dif­fer­ent caus­es and, like­wise, one cause result­ing in many dif­fer­ent con­di­tions. As a result, Func­tion­al Med­i­cine treat­ment tar­gets the spe­cif­ic man­i­fes­ta­tions of dis­ease in each individual.

A personalized approach to medicine.

Func­tion­al Med­i­cine is a per­son­al­ized approach to med­i­cine that bet­ter address­es the needs of patients… it is tru­ly the future of med­i­cine.  The goal of func­tion­al med­i­cine is to get to the root cause of chron­ic ill­ness, not just treat the symptoms.

Func­tion­al med­i­cine is a very spe­cif­ic area that focus­es on a few key things: find­ing the under­ly­ing cause of a patient’s health prob­lems, using a lab­o­ra­to­ry based analy­sis sys­tem to deter­mine what is wrong, using sup­ple­ments to cor­rect prob­lems with med­ica­tions as need­ed, and focus­ing ever more and more on lifestyle changes such as diet, exer­cise, sleep and meditation.

We are here to sup­port YOU on your jour­ney to bet­ter health! 

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