Functional Medicine Labs & Vitamin Drips

How spe­cial­ized lab test­ing can help you

Typ­i­cal lab tests look at the basics, but some­times there is a lot more that your body can tell you. That’s why you need lab tests that dig deeper.

We use spe­cial­ized lab tests to get to the cause of your symp­toms so you can feel better.

How does func­tion­al med­i­cine lab test­ing dif­fer from tra­di­tion­al blood work?

When a tra­di­tion­al physi­cian runs stan­dard blood work, they are look­ing for an already estab­lished dis­ease process. Typ­i­cal­ly, action is tak­en only when the lab results are out of the “nor­mal” range. The trou­ble with this is many peo­ple might not have an actu­al dis­ease yet, but they are suf­fer­ing from symp­toms. Why wait until dam­age has been done? Func­tion­al med­i­cine lab test­ing is geared to pre­vent dis­ease before it hap­pens by assess­ing pat­terns of imbal­ance that with­out inter­ven­tion could result in chron­ic illness.

Our most pop­u­lar tests are list­ed below. Many oth­ers are avail­able such as thy­roid pan­els, food sen­si­tiv­i­ty pan­els, mold and myco­tox­in pan­els, and more!

Organ­ic Acid Test by Mosa­ic Diagnostics 

The Organ­ic Acids Test (OAT) offers a com­pre­hen­sive meta­bol­ic snap­shot of a patient’s over­all health with over 70 mark­ers.  It pro­vides an accu­rate eval­u­a­tion of intesti­nal yeast and bac­te­ria.  Abnor­mal­ly high lev­els of these microor­gan­isms can cause or wors­en behav­ior dis­or­ders, hyper­ac­tiv­i­ty, move­ment dis­or­ders, fatigue and immune func­tion. Many peo­ple with chron­ic ill­ness­es and neu­ro­log­i­cal dis­or­ders often excrete sev­er­al abnor­mal organ­ic acids in their urine. The cause of these high lev­els could include oral antibi­ot­ic use, high sug­ar diets, immune defi­cien­cies, acquired infec­tions, as well as genet­ic factors.

The Organ­ic Acids Test also includes mark­ers for vit­a­min and min­er­al lev­els, oxida­tive stress, neu­ro­trans­mit­ter lev­els, and is the only OAT to include mark­ers for oxalates, which are high­ly cor­re­lat­ed with many chron­ic illnesses.

Com­pre­hen­sive Stool Analy­sis by Mosa­ic Diagnostics

Assess­ing gut func­tion is a pil­lar of all func­tion health pro­grams. This test looks for mark­ers of inflam­ma­tion and mal­ab­sorp­tion mak­ing it an essen­tial test for those with IBS, inflam­ma­to­ry bow­el dis­ease, car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease, dia­betes, autoim­mune issues and weight prob­lems. The test also eval­u­ates ben­e­fi­cial bac­te­ria lev­els, intesti­nal immune func­tion, and over­all intesti­nal health.

Met­als Hair Analy­sis Test by Mosa­ic Diagnostics 

This test reveals your min­er­al defi­cien­cies and heavy met­al tox­i­c­i­ty. It can also pro­vide a blue­print to increase your per­for­mance, ban­ish brain fog, and improve ener­gy. Hair min­er­al analy­sis reveals and explains the caus­es of many health symp­toms and dis­ease, whose under­ly­ing caus­es are large­ly relat­ed to nutri­tion­al defi­cien­cies, min­er­al imbal­ances and heavy met­al and chem­i­cal toxicity.

DUTCH hor­mone test by Pre­ci­sion Analytical

This test is the gold stan­dard when it comes to hor­mone test­ing. It gives a detailed look into sex and adren­al hor­mones and their metabo­lites.  It also includes the dai­ly, free cor­ti­sol pat­tern, organ­ic acids, mela­tonin (6‑OHMS), and 8‑OHdG.

Micronu­tri­ent test­ing by Spec­tra­Cell Laboratories 

This is the only func­tion­al micronu­tri­ent test on the mar­ket. The test is a sci­en­tif­ic and objec­tive mea­sure of micronu­tri­ent sta­tus, offer­ing tar­get­ed rec­om­men­da­tions to address con­firmed defi­cien­cies. Spec­tra­Cell tests key nutri­tion­al com­po­nents such as; vit­a­mins, min­er­als, amino acids, antiox­i­dants, car­bo­hy­drate metab­o­lism, fat­ty acids, and metabolites.

Get real answers about your body with the most in-depth test­ing. We have many oth­er labs avail­able. Call today to get started.

Now offering Vitamin IV drips, shots, and labs weekly! 

Click for Appointment

Take charge of your health with 
Vitamin IV Drips, Rockets and Shots! 

Many Amer­i­cans are chron­i­cal­ly dehy­drat­ed. It only takes 3% dehy­dra­tion to affect your mood, focus, and motor skills. Get hydrat­ed with a vit­a­min drip! You’ll be amazed at the dif­fer­ence one of our IV drips or shots can make in your life. 

Vitamin IV Drips

Myers’ Cock­tail Drip $159

IV Flu­ids and Elec­trolytes, Vit­a­min B‑5, Vit­a­min B‑6, Vit­a­min B Com­plex, GSH   – Glu­tathione, Vit­a­min C, Mag­ne­sium, Calcium

The Myers’ Cock­tail is named for the late John Myers, M.D., a Mary­land physi­cian who used intra­venous injec­tions of nutri­ents to treat many chron­ic con­di­tions. Cur­rent­ly, the nutri­ent cock­tail has been pop­u­lar­ized by Alan Gaby, M.D., a physi­cian who often writes about nutri­tion in med­i­cine. He has treat­ed thou­sands of patients with the Myers’ Cock­tail over many years. Con­di­tions which he found to be respond­ed well by this treat­ment include acute asth­ma attacks, migraines, fatigue, chron­ic fatigue syn­drome, fibromyal­gia, acute mus­cle spasm, upper res­pi­ra­to­ry tract infec­tions, chron­ic sinusi­tis, sea­son­al aller­gies and car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease. He also observed improve­ments in ath­let­ic performance.

Exec­u­tive Drip $199

IV Flu­ids and Elec­trolytes, B‑12 Vit­a­mins, B‑Complex Vit­a­mins, Vit­a­min B‑5, Vit­a­min B‑6, Tau­rine, Folic Acid, Mag­ne­sium, Cal­ci­um, Glu­tathione – GSH, Vit­a­min C, Zinc

For the client who requires the best of every­thing, we offer our most com­pre­hen­sive and pow­er­ful IV nutri­ent drip in our arse­nal. Increase men­tal clar­i­ty, boost immu­ni­ty, improve hair, skin and nails, reduce stress, and expe­ri­ence a high­er qual­i­ty sleep with our Exec­u­tive IV Drip.

Pre­na­tal Drip $129

IV Flu­ids and Elec­trolytes, Zofran, Vit­a­min B‑6, Vit­a­min B‑Complex

For expect­ing moth­ers deal­ing with morn­ing sick­ness, nau­sea, vom­it­ing, lack of weight gain, lack of ener­gy and over­all fatigue; our pre­na­tal drip can help you restore some nor­mal­cy to your life dur­ing preg­nan­cy. All ingre­di­ents in our pre­na­tal drip are clas­si­fied as preg­nan­cy safe.

Immune Boost­er Drip $169

IV Flu­ids and Elec­trolytes, Vit­a­min C, Glu­tathione – GSH, Vit­a­min B com­plex, Vit­a­min B‑12, Folic Acid, Tau­rine, Zinc

Improved immu­ni­ty, increased metab­o­lism, health­i­er hair, skin and nails, increased ener­gy and more. Our Immu­ni­ty Boost­er Drip is a cor­ner­stone to good health.

Detox­i­fy Drip $129

IV Flu­ids and Elec­trolytes, Vit­a­min C, Glu­tathione, Vit­a­min B‑Complex
When you just need a lit­tle help get­ting your sys­tem back to nor­mal, our Detox­i­fy­ing Drip is sim­ple but effec­tive. Rec­om­mend­ed for expect­ing moms, mild cas­es of vom­it­ing or diar­rhea, mild headaches, and fatigue.


Our “IV Rock­ets” are the per­fect blend of IV Ther­a­py and Injec­tions.  An IV is estab­lished, but instead of get­ting nutri­ents through a bag of flu­ids and elec­trolytes, you receive them through a large syringe where our nurse slow­ly injects the nutri­ents intra­venous­ly.  This is the per­fect solu­tion for those want­i­ng sev­er­al nutri­ents but not want­i­ng to get sev­er­al shots.  The process takes about 15 min­utes and is a great way to main­tain your nutri­tion reg­i­men for less time and money.

Pick any 3 for $69 ($15 per addi­tion­al ingredient).


Vit­a­min C

Vit­a­min B5


Vit­a­min B‑12

Vit­a­min B6


Vit­a­min B Complex

Cal­ci­um Chloride

Mag­ne­sium Chloride



Zinc Sul­fate




Folic Acid





Vit­a­min D — $30

Strong bones are a result of good vit­a­min D3 intake because it helps reg­u­late and con­trol the body’s abil­i­ty to absorb phos­pho­rus and cal­ci­um — two com­pounds that pro­vide den­si­ty and strength to the skele­tal sys­tem and teeth. Vit­a­min D may also pro­tect against osteo­poro­sis, high blood pres­sure, migraines, can­cer, and oth­er diseases.

Sug­gest­ed Use:

  • Vit­a­min D Deficiency
  • Migraine pre­ven­tion
  • Bone and teeth strength
  • Immune sys­tem support

Vit­a­min B‑12 — $30

Vit­a­min B‑12 con­verts car­bo­hy­drates into glu­cose in the body, which leads to increased ener­gy pro­duc­tion and decreas­es fatigue and lethargy.

Sug­gest­ed Use:

  • Reduce anx­i­ety
  • Improve skin, hair, and nails
  • Reduce fatigue
  • improve sleep
  • Increase men­tal focus

Glu­tathione — $30

Glu­tathione is com­mon­ly con­sid­ered to be the body’s most impor­tant antiox­i­dant. It fights almost any dis­ease, par­tic­u­lar­ly those asso­ci­at­ed with aging.

Sug­gest­ed Use:

  • Reduce oxida­tive stress
  • Improve insulin resistance
  • Immune sys­tem building
  • Improved cir­cu­la­tion
  • Reduce cell dam­age from fat­ty liver

Vit­a­min C — $30

Only about 20% to 40% of the vit­a­min C we con­sume oral­ly is absorbed by our bod­ies. Like all IV med­ica­tions, vit­a­min C is 100% bio-avail­able via IV or by injection.

Sug­gest­ed Use:

  • Immune sys­tem support
  • Viral ill­ness
  • Stress
  • Col­la­gen Production
  • Tis­sue Repair




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